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MYR ASESORES | Spanish exports reach a new record in,,es,Spanish exports showed a growth of,,es,Year-on-year in the year as a whole,,es,points higher than the year,,es,new historical maximum since the beginning of the records,,es,The increase was ..,,es,This figure coincides with that advanced by the INE at the end of last month and ..,,es 2013
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01 Jan Spanish exports reach a new record in,,es,Spanish exports showed a growth of,,es,Year-on-year in the year as a whole,,es,points higher than the year,,es,new historical maximum since the beginning of the records,,es,The increase was ..,,es,This figure coincides with that advanced by the INE at the end of last month and ..,,es 2013

21 February 2014

Las exportaciones españolas mostraron un crecimiento del 5,2% interanual en el conjunto del año 2013 (1,4 puntos superior al del año 2012), y sumaron 234.239,8 millones de euros, nuevo máximo histórico desde el inicio de los registros (1971). El aumento fue mayor en términos reales, de un 5,4%, al descender en un 0,2% los precios de las exportaciones medidos por los Índices de Valores Unitarios (IVUs).

Source:: Treasury News


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